- This is my personal page. For my "professional" page, which includes links to all of my websites as well as social
networking profiles and writeups I've done, please visit Laura Pinto Online.)

Here's what the book is about:
It's 1988, and four men reunite for a special Fifties-themed homecoming celebration at their old New Jersey
high school, thirty years after graduation. While in their teens, the boys had been known collectively as the D.A.'s (not
so much a "gang" as a tight group of friends); but time and distance have brought changes and adult responsibilities. Letting
go of the past proves challenging for the quartet, which consists of Frankie, the group leader and tough-guy greaser still
playing the part at age 48; Denny, Frankie's best friend, whose misguided counsel to his 20-year-old son backfires in his
face; Tony, the romantic, whose marriage and happiness are threatened by the reappearance of an old love; and Eddy, the straight-laced
nerd and arguably most centered of the four thrown into emotional turmoil by the appearance of a new one. Now, all four must
find the courage to leave the past behind as they come to terms with middle age and the realities of their diverse lives.
NOTE: This book contains explicit language and sexual situations and is intended
for mature audiences only.
If you're
a babyboomer like me who loves the music and culture of the 1950s, please click on one of the links to check out THE D.A.'s FOREVER. Sale price is just $2.99 (USD), a real bargain for a full-length novel! Amazon Prime members can borrow the book,
for free, from the Kindle Owners' Lending Library.
(No Kindle? No problem! You don't need
a Kindle device to read a Kindle book; just download a free reading app for your PC, Mac, or smartphone, or use the Kindle Cloud Reader to read the book in your browser!)
This site was originally on Yahoo GeoCities (which
is now defunct) and was first created in 2001. New content has been, and will continue to be, added from time to time,
but the basic layout and premise of my personal homepage remains the same.
I'm hopeful that my personal web site will
serve a dual purpose -- education and entertainment! First of all, I hope to use this site to share some of the
experience I've acquired during more than 40 years on this planet. I will share my thoughts on a variety of subjects
and hope that I can make some small difference in the world.
Take a look at my All About Me page for some
fast facts. Next, go to my Sayings page for some
words of wisdom ... and maybe a laugh or two. Check out my Rules for Living page, in which
I attempt to make the world a better place by promoting kindness and fairness. Read my thoughts on Relationships and Love. Next, click on
the link for my Funny Stuff page for
some more giggles!
Are you ready for the responsibility of having a baby? ARE YOU SURE? Read my warning page first. Having a baby is a highly personal and very emotional decision,
and children don't come with instruction manuals! After you've read and absorbed Want to have a
baby?, then go on to
part II, Birth control:
What works, what doesn't.
I've also
added a page explaining Why time is like
money in the bank. There is
only so much of it in life (in fact, time IS life), and you should not only spend it wisely but be careful not to let other
people spend it for you (notwithstanding normal, everyday responsibilities of course). Also, please check out What is God's
Role/What is Ours?
Pet Ownership Page ... things you
should know before adopting a furry friend!
Much of this site's content is replicated on Laura's Inspirational
See also:
Laura's Music Room
And please
check out my companion blog on