This page
is a "Latest news" archive ... news that is no longer "new," but still relevant. Any news that is
posted on the homepage will eventually land here.
Please visit the Homepage for the latest and most current news!
Current events, CD
releases, ongoing projects and more!

Visit TV4U to see music videos that Ron produced for the Legends Live CD series a few years
ago - including two Cufflinks videos featuring Ron himself! Just click on the image of the artist whose videos you want
to watch.
To read about Ron's concert at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, which took place October 29, 2005, and to see photos,
visit NewsNet5. (For details on the concert, check out the press release on PR Web)
An article on Mediasound Studios
in a recent issue of Mix Magazine features some comments from Ron, along with a photo of him with Pat Benatar.
To read the article online, visit this page.
October 2005 - Ron Dante was interviewed
by The Washington Times for a writeup on bubblegum music - click here to read it!
Check out photos of Ron Dante taken at his July 2nd private performance in Yorba Linda, CA!
Check out photos from Ron's appearance at the Cannery Casino in Las Vegas during Memorial Day weekend!
Now available - The Essential Barry Manilow, a 2-CD set featuring more than 30 tracks, many of which were produced
by Ron! Click here for ordering info.
Click to
see photos from Ron's appearance at the Aronoff Center in Cincinnati, Ohio!
A few years ago, Ron was featured on an episode
of Dr. Phil along with the parents of a talented 13-year-old boy, Barry, whose parents want him to become the next Barry
Manilow. For a detailed summary of the segment complete with screenshots, go to this page on Dr. Phil's official site, then click
on the link entitled "How can Barry fit in?" A new window will pop up; use the arrows to advance through the pages.
You can also purchase transcripts/videos of the show via the appropriate link on Dr. Phil's homepage.
Check out the December
2004 writeup in the Las Vegas Sun about Barry Manilow ... Ron is quoted heavily
throughout the piece!
out Ron's phone interview of 12/02/2004 with Vegas Buzz! The interview is archived on their site; just
click on the link to listen.
To access my Webshots community,
which features all my photo albums of Ron Dante concert pix, click here.
Two writeups on Ron Dante hit the Internet within days of each other. The
first one, an interview conducted by AM Radio Gold, can be found on the All But Forgotten Oldies site. The second is a piece written by
yours truly, entitled "Ron Dante Remembers The Sixties," presented by Spectropop. Enjoy!
Ron Dante's CD, Saturday Night Blast, has been getting rave reviews! To
listen to an audio sample of one of the tracks, Ron's beautiful version of "Angels Among Us," click here. For details on how to pick up a copy, click
on the cover image below.

you a member of Ron's official mailing list? If not, now's a great time to join!
Click on the link or use the graphic below to sign up.

Click to subscribe to Ron Dante Mailing List

out the photos from Ron's appearance with Andy Kim at the Riviera Hotel, Las Vegas, on September 6, 2003!
An article I wrote on Ron Dante, entitled
Then and Now: A Ron Dante Restrospective, appears on the Spectropop site -- click to access it.

Click to join the Ron Dante Online Yahoo Group

Below are links to purchase various products
(CD's, videos, etc.) which feature Ron. To buy Ron's own CD's, both solo and with other groups/artists, visit this page.