Laura and Charlie Pinto, February 2005 |
This site would not
be possible if not for the love and support of the following people.
First, my former
husband, Charles Pinto, whom I met when I was 19 years old and without whom I would never have matured and evolved as a human
being. Charlie opened my eyes to a lot of things and enabled me to blossom. He was the best friend I've ever had and
the single most important influence in my life. My heartfelt thanks to Charlie for all he's done, and for all he had
to put up with from me during our years together! (Charlie, sweetie, I will miss you for as long as I live.)
Thanks also to
my coworkers Randy, Carl, Roxann, Kay, Kathy, Laura, Linda and Fawn, for your friendship, support, and indulgence.
Special thanks also to Jim, Chris, and Sunny.
A big thank-you to all
the friends I've been fortunate enough to make via the Web, like Diane, and Jill, and my mentor and "brother," Don Charles.
Thanks also to the celebrities who have become friends - Barbara and Rosa Hawkins, Jeff Barry, Robin McNamara, and Andy Kim.
Last, but certainly
not least, my heartfelt thanks to you, Ron. You will never know the extent of the joy you have brought into my life, just
by being yourself and doing your own thing. God bless you for that. (Or, putting it in another fashion ... you're the bestest!)