Oldies Music Links MSN Group Homepage
Oldies Music Links was originally an MSN group dedicated
to pop music from the 1950's, 1960's
and 1970's. Due to the closure of MSN Groups in February
2009, the content of that group has been moved over here. Several links have been added, some changed, others
removed. (Anyone coming across a broken link, or a link that doesn't go where it's supposed to, is requested to
contact oldiesconnection@yahoo.com to report it.) UPDATE (March 2009) - the group, along with all of its discussions, has been
migrated to Multiply.com. Click on the link to check it out. Hope you'll join us there!
interactive site is full of relevant links, to artist pages, fan
sites, cool oldies sites and groups and much more. New pages are constantly being
added; the site is a perpetual "work in progress." You're invited ... please come join us!
Oldies Music Links
is far from a comprehensive oldies site; it exists mainly to give visitors an idea as to the diversity
and sheer number of artists from the 1950s through the 1970s,
by category, and to enable folks to catch up with their favorite groups and singers, many of whom are still active in the business, touring
and recording. Please feel free to join the Oldies Music Links Group on Multiply.com and use its forum (blog) to suggest links to be added to this page. Also check out OML's sister site,
Oldies Connection.
Please visit Laura's Oldies Sites for a list of all oldies-related sites, blogs, and communities I own